Terms and conditions


These Terms and Conditions govern the access to and use of the website www.loopglasses.com (hereinafter, the
Website), owned by private entrepreneur (egyéni vállalkozóról) Shvarts Iuliia, registration number 53619530, address
Hungary, 1139, Budapest, Rozsnyay utca 33/1,

LOOP offers this website subject to the present Terms and Conditions. By visiting the Website or using the services or applications in the Website, the User accepts these Terms and Conditions.

The Terms and Conditions found below define the rights and obligations of LOOP and the Users within the
framework of the website. These are the only Terms and Conditions applicable to the use of the Website (without
prejudice to certain services being subject to specific terms and conditions) and to the placing of orders through the
Website and replace any other terms and conditions, save by prior written agreement between LOOP and the User.


2.1. Any offering in the LOOP Website represents a non-binding invitation to order goods. By ordering, which is
performed by clicking the “Buy” button, the customer will submit a binding offer to enter into a purchase agreement.
LOOP shall be entitled to accept the customer’s offer within a period of one week. The order confirmation that is sent automatically by LOOP after the dispatch of the order serves only to document that the customer’s order has been received by LOOP, but does not represent acceptance of the customer’s offer. A contract is deemed only to have been concluded after LOOP has issued a declaration of acceptance, which is sent in a further separate email (order confirmation or shipping confirmation), at the latest, however, by the dispatch of the order.

2.2. The customer shall exclusively be responsible for the selection of the ordered goods, unless the order relates to a consultancy service to be compensated separately with a corresponding purchase recommendation from LOOP in writing.

2.3. LOOP expressly reserves the right to make changes to the models or structures for deliveries within a contract, as long as such changes are not of a fundamental nature, do not significantly limit the contractual purpose and there is no unreasonable detrimental effect on the customer’s interests.

2.4. The order text will not be saved by LOOP and can no longer be retrieved after completion of the order process.
The ordering process information will be transmitted to the customer again with the email confirmation of the order, allowing the customer to print out the order data immediately after submission of the order. 


    3.1. The goods will be delivered in 7 to 10 business days in European countries

    3.2. Delivery is performed by sending the product to an address specified by the customer. The customer warrants and represents that the complete and correct delivery address has been supplied with the order. If additional delivery costs are incurred as a result of incorrect delivery address data, the customer is to refund these to LOOP. The customer will be obligated to ensure that delivery of the ordered goods to the stated address is possible during regular business and delivery hours.

    3.3. Delivery times can only be observed if the customer has complied with his or her obligations (for example, advance payment, complete and accurate delivery address, etc.).

    3.4. If LOOP fails to observe delivery deadlines, noting that longer delivery times apply for Sample Sale orders, the customer is to set LOOP an appropriate grace period in writing, which is to commence upon receipt by LOOP of the setting of the grace period. The customer will only be entitled to withdraw from the contract after the grace period has expired without any result. Withdrawal by the customer from the entire agreement as a result of partial delay or partial impossibility is only permitted if the partial service already performed for the customer can be proven to be of no interest to the customer.

    3.5. Even in case of agreed periods and deadlines, LOOP shall not be responsible for delivery and service delays as a result of force majeure. Force majeure shall be deemed to be war, riot, interferences of higher authority, industrial dispute measures, strike or lock-out, lack of raw materials or energy, as well as unavoidable operational or transport interruptions, such as power failures, fire, flooding, or the adverse effects of weather impairing transportation. This shall apply even where the aforementioned conditions occur at the subcontractors of LOOP or where LOOP is not supplied by the subcontractors despite appropriate contracts that would have covered the requirement incurred by the agreement with the customer. In such event, LOOP shall be entitled to postpone the delivery or service by the period of the hindrance plus a reasonable start-up period or to withdraw in whole or in part from the agreement as a result of the part not yet fulfilled.

    3.6. LOOP shall be entitled to make partial deliveries and perform partial services at any time as long as this is reasonable for the customer.


    4.1. All prices include all necessary taxes.

    4.2. Customs duties and fees for deliveries for deliveries outside of the EU shall be borne by the customer.

    4.3. Shipping to any direction cost to EUR 7. Free shipping applies for orders above EUR 39


    5.1. Payment for products ordered from LOOP is to be made by credit card (VISA, AMEX and MasterCard), or PayPal. LOOP reserves the right to accept other forms of payment in individual cases as well as to exclude forms of payment in individual cases.

    5.2. The customer shall only be entitled to offsetting if his or her receivables are undisputed or have been legally determined. Any retention of payments by the customer as a result of counterclaims from other contractual relations is excluded.


    The goods shall remain the property of LOOP until they have been paid for in full. Prior to the transfer of ownership, no further sale, rental, pledging, assignment as security, processing, or reconfiguration is permitted without the express consent of LOOP.



    7.1. If the purchased product is defective, the customer is entitled to claims due to defects during the statutory period of limitation.

    7.2. In the event that a customer is a contractor, namely that the order is in pursuance of the customer’s commercial or independent professional activity, claims for defects shall lapse within 12 months from delivery of the goods. This does not include any claims relating to death, personal injury or impaired health on the basis of a negligent breach of duty by LOOP or an intentional or negligent breach of duty by a legal representative or vicarious agent of LOOP.

    7.3. If usage and maintenance advice issued by LOOP is not followed, if the products are modified, parts are exchanged, or consumables are used that do not comply with the original specifications, or if interventions are performed on parts for which this is not expressly authorized, the warranty will not apply if defects have arisen as a result of the aforementioned.

    7.4. The customer’s claims based on defects remain unaffected in the event of the existence of a warranty for the ordered goods.


      LOOP shall be liable without limitations in the case of injury to life, body and health. In the event of impossibility and delay and in the event of the violation of material contractual duties, LOOP shall also be liable for slight negligence; however, this is limited to typical, foreseeable damage. Material contractual duties (cardinal obligations) are such contractual duties, the fulfillment of which allows the proper performance of the contract in the first place and on the compliance with which the client regularly relies and also may rely. Typical, foreseeable damage is that which falls under the protective purpose of the respectively violated contractual standard. Otherwise, LOOP shall not be liable in the event of slight negligence. The aforementioned limitations of liability shall also apply to corporate bodies and agents of LOOP.


      If the customer is a natural person who enters into a legal transaction for a purpose that can neither be attributed to commercial nor to independent professional activity (consumer), the customer is entitled to the right of cancellation


      You have the right to cancel this agreement within fourteen days without giving any reasons. The cancellation period is fourteen days from the date on which the goods are or have been taken into possession by you or a third party named by you who is not the carrier. In the case of a contract for various goods that you have ordered with a single order and which are delivered separately, the cancellation period is fourteen days from the date on which the last of the goods is or has been taken into possession by you or a third party named by you who is not the carrier. To exercise your right of cancellation, you must inform us (Iuliia Shvarts, 1139, Budapest, Rozsnyay utca 33/1) by means of a clear statement (e.g. with a letter sent by post, fax or email) of your decision to cancel this agreement.


      In the event of the cancellation of this agreement, all payments that we have received from you (excluding shipping costs), must be repaid immediately at the latest within fourteen days from the date on which the product is received back due to cancellation of this agreement with us. For this repayment, we use the same method of payment that you used for the initial transaction, unless you explicitly agreed otherwise; in no case you will be charged any fees for this repayment. We may withhold the repayment until we have received the goods or until you have supplied evidence that you have returned the goods, whichever is the earlier. You must return or transfer the goods promptly, and in any event not later than fourteen days from the date on which you notify us of your cancellation of this agreement. The deadline shall be deemed to have been met if you dispatch the goods before the expiry of the period of fourteen days. You shall only be liable for any diminished value of the goods resulting from handling other than what is necessary to ascertain the nature and functioning of the goods.

      10. RETURNS

      For returns after the exercising of a right of cancellation or as a result of defects, the customer is requested to proceed as follows:

      1. Please send your return enquiry including a description of the defect or a statement of your request for cancellation to hello@loopglasses.com
      2. The product must be packaged in the original packaging (this shall only apply in case of cancellation in due time), the original shipping packaging or similar damage-resistant packaging, so that the original packaging of the product is not damaged. All of the product parts must be included. The package may be returned from any post office branch to this given recipient address: Iuliia Shvarts, Hungary, 1139, Budapest, Rozsnyay utca 33/1


      11.1. You can view products in our Website by clicking on them. If you would like to order one or more of the selected products, then click on “Add to basket”. The products that you have selected are displayed by clicking once on the basket symbol. You then have the option to continue shopping and to place further items in your shopping basket. The number of items to be ordered is limited to customary commercial quantities. If you have placed all the goods that you want to purchase in your shopping cart, click on “Checkout”. You will then be guided through our ordering process. In order to proceed, you can register as a customer, log in with an existing customer account or continue without registration. Following this step, you can specify the desired payment method. Before you place your binding order, we will display the information about the selected goods, the unit price, shipping costs, the total price, as well as the chosen method of payment.

      11.2. You can correct input errors that arise during the order process at any time by clicking the fields displaying the respective stage of the ordering process – thus allowing you to navigate forwards or backwards – or by clicking the browser’s “Back” button. In addition, in the “Verify and Confirm” page, you can make direct changes to your shopping cart, billing- and shipping address and payment method by clicking on the respective fields.


      12.1. The agreement can be entered into in English or Hungarian language. Any and all disputes arising from the legal relationship existing between the customer and LOOP shall be subject to the laws of Hungary. For consumers, this choice of law applies only insofar as the protection granted is not withdrawn on the basis of mandatory provisions of the law of the State in which the consumer has his or her habitual place of residence. The application of the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods is excluded.


      12.2. Where a private end consumer is not resident within the European Union, the place of jurisdiction shall be the place of our registered office.



      Private entrepreneur (egyéni vállalkozóról) Shvarts Iuliia, registration number 53619530, address 1139, Budapest, Rozsnyay utca 33/1. Email – hello@loopglasses.com. Tel +36 70 308 55 44